The Religion of Greta Thunberg

E. Michael Jones joins Henrik to talk about Greta Thunberg, her family, backstory, connections and inorganic rise to fame.


Henrick: Well ladies and gentlemen, welcome back, thank you so much for joining us today. It’s great to be back with you, I’m Henrik with Red Ice TV, and today we have E. Michael Jones back on the show. I’ve been an admirer of his work for a long time, and he’s done a lot of good work in exposing the globalist, the people are trying to subvert us; especially his angle on history, and looking at social engineering and things like this, just magnificent work.

Today we are going to spend some time talking about a little girl from my neck of the woods, Greta Thunberg, by which of course I don’t know if you remember, I did a video on this, and now of course our YouTube has been deleted so, that video is currently not on YouTube. It's gone. It actually garnered about 480 thousand views I believe, before the channel was finally yanked. Some actually even speculated that it was because of that video, that our channel was deleted. We haven’t actually gotten any answers from YouTube, so we’re uncertain. We don't know what specific video, or what portion of which video it was that got our channel deleted, but some speculated that it was a little bit too much truth that was getting out to a little bit too many people.

I'm not sure, but Greta Thunberg is a fascinating area to discuss with you Dr. Jones. Welcome back and great to have you here again.

Dr. Jones: Thank you, we are now undergoing the coldest summer in recent history here, in South Bend Indiana, the wind is howling out of the Northwest right now, I can't go rowing today but, what can I say? it must be global warming, I guess.

Henrick: Well they change their tune, didn't they? it was first global warming, now it's just climate change. Whatever it means.

Dr. Jones: Climate change, it's a safer bet, it’s a safer bet. When the temperature drops to 20 below zero in South Bend, it’s safer to call it climate change.

Henrick: Exactly. The reason why the ice sheet is grown in Antarctica is because of climate change, right?

Dr. Jones: Yes, you did a great job on that video exposing the all connection with the Swedish energy sector and pointing out the fact that this is not something that a 16-year-old girl does all by herself, oddly enough, oddly enough.

Henrick: Yes, of course, a mental challenges as well, look at that, you know, it's a mild autism she’s on, the autism spectrum I think, that’s the correct term, and she has obsessive-compulsive disorder and again in the video, we exposed that, she obsesses about certain things, when she was told originally about the fact that we’re going to virtually die, the earth is going to go under here in 11 years, she became so obsessed with it, I still feel despite the fact she of course is living a lot of criticism around, that we have an establishment and an elite behind her which is taking advantage of this poor girl, what do you think?

Dr. Jones: Yeah, I think if you read her mother’s memoir that becomes pretty clear. I’m really grateful that her mother wrote that memoir because I think it really explains something. In spite of herself, let's put a thing, I have to say that, in spite of what she’s trying to say. The gist of what she is saying in the memoir is that climate change manifest itself in various ways throughout the world, so in the Amazon it’s drought but in Sweden, it makes you crazy.

Henrick: Haha, it seems like it’s true to some people.

Dr. Jones: It’s true! haha! so she has in the middle of her book, first of all, this is Malena Ernman’s memoir. Malena was famous. She was well known as an opera singer, and then at a certain point she became really famous, she won the Eurovision Song Contest in 2006 in Moscow.

Henrick: There she is (on the screen).

Dr. Jones: And she just shot off into the stratosphere of international fame at this point. I think we’re where pretty much the story begins because at this point we have the family drama, this book is about family drama, but it is also a family drama in the context of Swedish social engineering, so you have to kind of plot this along generational lines here.

Now we talked previously about the era, let’s say, Malena’s parents era, which would be the Ingmar Bergman, Harry Schein, Olaf Palmer era, where they basically decided we are going to have heaven on earth here, it's called socialism, it’s basically Christianity without Christ, and we are going to build a million apartment dwellings or houses, everybody is going to be, the 80% in the country and the 20% in the city is going to be reversed, now it's going to be the 80% living in apartments, and the countryside is going to be emptied out and everybody is going to be happy because it’s heaven on earth. It looks as if it succeeded in her mother’s generation.

She was very successful, she basically knew how to play the system, she was a woman at the time when feminism it’s coming into its own, I mean feminism is at this point the manifestation of Swedish social engineering and she is at the crest of the wave, and she rides it very well, she becomes famous as an opera singer, then as I said we come to this point where Greta, I can imagine, this is not exactly in the book, but I can imagine Greta sitting at home watching mommy get famous, you can watch the video of her mother singing at the Eurovision contest, and at this point what we see I think is the downside of Swedish feminism, which is basically the children, who are at home without mommy. Mommy is out being famous and the children are at home, so Greta is six years old at this point, everything sort of going all right and then something happens, now from mommy’s point of view, Greta is in school, and she sees a film on that island of plastic refuse floating in the middle of the pacific ocean, and at this point, she goes crazy.

This is the thesis of the book, climate change drives Swedes crazy, it makes some crazy, but then she goes on to say that there are other things happening here. One of them happens to be puberty. Greta reaches the age of 11, and she starts to go through puberty, and mommy is not there, mommy is really famous now, and Greta is going through something that every girl goes through, and it can be a frightening experience, the body’s changing, she doesn’t know what’s going on.

So, who do you turn to? Well, you turn to the schools. And Sweden is famous for sex education. Sweden was the sexual paradise; everybody looks to Sweden in the ’60s as the paradigm of sexual liberation. In the mommy’s generation, there was a Swedish sex education film done in 1969, I forget the name of it, it featured lots of blah blah blah discussion and then right in the middle, there’s a couple having sexual intercourse. It’s a film, so it’s kind of explicit, but from the 11-year-old point of view, it’s kind of adults doing this. I don’t think they would identify with the adults, that film got changed around 2002 right around the time Greta is going to school and now it’s a cartoon, and it is not as explicit as the old sex-ed film but is more targeted toward adolescents, so what you have here is a black kid and a white girl in cartoon form going through the sex act. This is more pressure I think on somebody like Greta here, Greta and her generation do not like sex-ed! They did a survey! The sex education film that she’s been pressured to look at, it basically teaches the boys to be predators and the girls to be victims, and that’s pretty much what happens. So the backstory here, we all know, she said that it was plastic floating in the ocean there, but I’ve got the sense that is more puberty and sex education here, and this 11-year-old girl is been subjected to this pressure. Now mommy says, mrs Ernman says Greta would go into the girl’s room and hide there because she was afraid of sexual assault. They did a survey and the girls in the Swedish schools, the one thing they complained about was the sex-ed is that it doesn’t talk about the sexual assault and they’re subjected the sexual assault on a regular basis. So Greta is hiding out in the girl’s room trying to keep away from these boys, mommy is not there, mommy should be explaining things and suddenly she just says “I’ve had enough!”, and what she does is she stops eating.

Henrick: That’s right, yeah I remember that; what age was she, 11 you say?

Dr. Jones: 11! so she reaches puberty, she stops eating, she is giving sex-ed, she is being assaulted in the school and she stops eating. This is not craziness, this is completely rational because what you do when you stop eating is you basically bring your mommy’s career to a screeching halt, because mommy is afraid you are going to die and you bring mommy back into the kitchen, and I think this is the reaction to Swedish feminism that we’re seeing here, and her book gives lots of statistics saying that Greta was not alone and feeling this way. So you stopped the career, mommy comes back into the kitchen and now you have imposed this kind of neurotic order on the household that basically the Swedish social engineers abandoned when they embarked upon this million apartment project.

Henrick: The million Programme.

Dr. Jones: It’s like Greta is on the train and she pulls the emergency brake on the train of Swedish socialism and social engineering and saying “I am not eating any more, and if you don’t come back here I am going to starve to death”, and of course, the family goes into a complete crisis.

Henrick: Yeah interesting, I didn’t know that, yeah go ahead.

Dr. Jones: At this point, the sister is Beata, she is in the same situation, exactly the same happens to Beata. She reaches puberty and she stops eating. She has these neurotic rituals that she goes through. So what is this kind of neurosis? it’s an attempt to impose order on a world that has gone completely out of control, and completely out of control by that I mean the sexual vulnerability that these girls feel in school, under the auspices of the government. These are things that should be protecting them and they’re just handing them over to sexual predators, and they know it. Why does it neurosis? why is it neurosis? why would we call it neurosis? because you can’t address it in an open fashion, why can’t you do that? well, because mommy believes in feminism. You’ve got a whole class of people here, a whole generation who believes that this is what life is all about, this is social justice, this is the culmination of this great social experiment that we had in Sweden, and nobody knows how to critique it, what are you crazy?! you are against WHAT?! you are against rights for women?! what are you crazy?! so nobody can critique it so what you have then is a neurosis kicking in, what is ultimately an expression of rationality. So Greta says, she only eats gnocchi, which are like Italian pierogis, or I don’t know what it is.

Henrick: Oh yeah gotcha, I know I know.

Dr. Jones: It’s like little pieces of pasta with potato inside, so she eats five gnocchi, and it has to be cooked in a certain way, and it takes her two and a half hours to eat five gnocchi. Now, there is a method to this madness, because is bringing mommy back into the kitchen. Now the father, this family did not break up, the father is there all the time, the father is an actor, who is not as famous as the mother, and the father basically says “look you are more famous, you earn more money, I’ll take care of the kids”. So he’s the household, he’s been taking care of the kids. Well, that’s an intact family, what’s wrong with that? I don’t know but Greta did not like it, neither Greta nor Bianca would accept the fact that dad is cooking food, we’ve got to get mommy back here, into the kitchen so she can cook the gnocchi, and this is the way we are going to solve this problem. Now, this seems to me is perfectly rational in some sense or other, but it is rational, it’s a protest against social engineering, it’s a protest against feminism, it’s a protest against mommy being outside the home, it’s a protest against everything that these people hold as sacred. So, what are we going to do?? well, we’ve come to the solution to the problem, we all unite around climate change, because that’s safe.

Henrick: It’s the bonding element to the family.

This is what holds the family together, and suddenly I mean they’re not at each other’s throats anymore, they’ve finally found a common enemy, and this is what then units the family and saves the family.

Henrick: Interesting, very interesting.

Dr. Jones: I think I understand the dynamics here, I think I understand the social dynamics, but it’s really got nothing to do with climate. It has to do with social engineering, and feminism, and what happens with Sweden after these forces completely took over. You are there, I am here, I know we were subjected to in America when it came to social engineering, there were protests movements, I get the sense that this didn’t exist in Sweden, that you had a unified culture which is an advantage except for the fact that when someone takes over a unified culture there’s no protest.

Henrick: Right

Dr. Jones: So everybody is subjected to this, we know that something’s wrong, but nobody can articulate it, because it goes against what we are, in other words, it comes down to this question of Swedish identity: who are we? who are we? we used to be pagans, and then we were Catholics, and then we were Lutherans, and then we were socialists, who are we? who are we now? what is our commitment? or is it to the latest social engineering? it seems to be that way, it seems to me that way, they have nothing outside of this environment, no way to step out of this environment that they’ve all adopted and take some type of critical stance, so the result is you have to go crazy in order to get your mother’s attention. So what you see here is the proliferation of mental illness in children.

Henrick: And it’s been encouraged by the system, by the people around Greta.

Dr. Jones: The system is like the arsonist and the firemen all rolled up in one, ok? They set the building on fire and then they rush around and put out the fire. This is the therapeutic state, the disorder sort of evolved here and this is what we’re seeing with Greta and her family, it is long, I mean, long chapters of just taking her from one psychiatric, children’s psychiatric hospital to another, and the father is desperate, please! tell us what’s wrong with our child! at one point he burst into tears! Can’t you come up with the diagnosis? They’re desperate because this is the only thing they have, they are incapable of stepping outside of this social environment and looking at this in any rational fashion. That’s I think is the story here.

Henrick: Now of course, what is happening I think also, the climate change is surrogate obviously for something, and it’s gotten a foothold of course in Sweden for a reason and that’s because the identity has been eroded in men regards. That has been encouraged by social engineering, they sought to reshape Sweden in a new image. Many new phenomena actually have risen up in Sweden name even since the 60’s, now, of course, it should say it’s both climate change but it’s also multiculturalism and open borders and helping the rest of the world in this kind of things, but it’s a substitute for spiritual beliefs.

Dr. Jones: Right

Henrick: it’s a substitute for something that’s missing and lacking, and what is interesting of course in Greta Thunberg as well is that they have now kind of shaped her and that’s we’ve shown your cover here of your latest Culture Wars Magazine, you have a great article about this in there exposing all these things, all these links, but there is a religious, both tune, but also iconography around Greta Thunberg which is I think subtly been encouraged if you know what I mean. Talk us about that and how you see that she’s fulfilling a very important role here.

Dr. Jones: Yeah, so let’s talk about God. God evaporates from Swedish life, ok? The Swedish Lutheran Church was disestablished in the year 2000, so God has evaporated, socialism has filled the vacuum that’s taken this place. This means human beings are responsible for everything because it has to be, because who else is there? if it’s not human beings, if there is no God it’s got to be human beings, and so suddenly the same human being who were in charge of everything are faced to something that is changing. Now, there’s evidence, I go into this in the article, you know the chair of meteorology at MIT said Co2 emission has nothing to do with climate change, it couldn’t possibly have anything to do with it, these are natural cycles, well once you get into natural cycles you’re starting heading toward God, and if God’s in charge of the universe, well it’s in good hands, right? well if he’s not in charge then it’s in our hands and we’ve got to do something, so you have the sense of doom here, you know because everything depends on us, and what can we do? we really can’t do much, you know, and so they fastened desperately on these carbon dioxide emission protocols that were established by the United Nations and a crucial figure was Olaf Palma here, he was heavily involved in establishing the Co2 protocols, so you led into this position where we’ve got to do something, we desperate, we’ve got to do something, but we can’t do anything because we’ve all kind of recognized, so they fixate obsessively on cutting down you Co2 footprint, so now you are not allowed to fly in an aeroplane, so mommy’s career, again, another nail in the coffin of mommy’s career so she can’t fly around forever, and then you get this ridiculous gestures, these theatrical gestures like Greta sailing to New York from Sweden. You were the one who said it was the Rothschilds yacht.

Henrick: Yeah, that’s right. It was owned by the Rothschilds baron’s Edmond I think it was one of them, owned by the Rothschilds, so later to other German millionaires, multimillionaires and they renamed it to Melissia 2 which almost said, Malice which was another kind of symbolic thing, but yes it was Rothschild own and of course, as you as well exposing the article Michael it was actually more Co2 costly to make this whole spectacle for them than it was would have been if they just took a plane to America to begin with, for her now famous UN speech.

Dr. Jones: Right. So anyway it turns out that they have to fly the crew back across the Atlantic so we’re back to aeroplanes again we’re back to burning fossil fuels, we’re back to whole Co2 thing so it’s all a meaningless type of gesture here. But the general attitude behind this thing is doom! it’s doom! We’ve got 12 years, we’ve got 12 years, do you realize how short of time is that? I mean look at my watch! how much time have we wasted here talking about this? when we should’ve been out doing something about climate change, and we only have now 11 years and some, you know, what left, I mean, this is doom! this is complete hopelessness and you can see just kind of weighing on this poor little child who sees this as her only salvation, you know, I think we’re in a moment now where Greta Thunberg is completely forgotten. I mean we’ve moved on the new news cycle here. The problem here, when you do this, you never, if you stick with the news cycle you never have the chance to analyze anything, so If you don’t analyze anything you’re never going to understand anything. I think what happened here is we need a new 16-year-old. I think they played that too many times, you know, she looks mentally disturbed, she does!

Henrick: Yeah, a little bit off, she looks younger than she actually is as well, which is kind of part of this idea that they can sell it us. This is a child! I mean how dare you to speak out against this child, they see it is a personal attack on her if you criticize the proposals that she’s coming with.

Dr. Jones: Yeah, I don’t know if you saw the Fox News clip about this.

Henrick: Oh I did, I included it, you mean that when they’re talking about her mentally challenged.

Dr. Jones: Yes, one guy mentions something that it is obvious from the way she talks, but her mother kind of talks about it in the book. Not only if she does is mentally disturbed, but this is a gift, this is why she should listen to her, you know, so the mother brags about it and then this other thug, I don’t know, I forget his name now, but there is a guy…

Henrick: Yes Michael Knowles.

Dr. Jones: …And the other thug comes on and starts insulting it, what do you mean skinny boy? Apologize!! who do you think you are?? and of course, this thuggish behavior gets rewarder by Fox News because they banned Knowles.

Henrick: Yeah, that’s right, and they issued an apology to the family and to Greta Thunberg as well when it’s admitted that she has these mental problems. He didn’t say anything that was offensive or whatever.

Dr. Jones: It’s not admitting something is they’re bragging about it, if the fact that Greta is mentally disturbed means she can see carbon dioxides, this is her mother talking about she can see carbon dioxide coming up of the…. she’s a visionary! she’s a saint!

Henrick: It’s psychic power too.

Dr. Jones: And she’s got psychic powers because she’s mentally ill! So at this point, you’re starting to see the whole, the whole Gestalt, the bigger picture here which is now Michael Foucault. Michael Foucault enters the pictures at this point because he is the guy who talked about insane asylums as the repository of all of these visionaries who really had an alternative view of reality, there’s no such thing as mental illness, and where did he get these ideas? well, he went to Sweden!! haha is coming back again to Sweden. Foucault ends up spending I think 3 years in Uppsala the University, teaching French and getting annoyed at the Swedes because they were too tolerant!

Henrick: Interesting, that’s very interesting.

Dr. Jones: It is. I didn’t know, it is, it’s exactly, because now you’re getting into the heart of Foucault as well. Foucault was a Catholic, raises as a Catholic in France who struggled with homosexuality during his adolescent years attempted to suicide a number of times and ended up wanting to be punished, he wanted to be punished for his homosexuality because he knew in a perverse way that it was wrong, so he got his wish when he ended up in San Francisco and he ended up in the bathhouses of San Francisco, where he engaged in sadomasochism which is a form of punishment basically for what he knew was wrong. Now, Sweden is the antithesis of this, that’s why he didn’t like Sweden because they didn’t punish him because he was a pervert. What you’re seeing here is this kind of picture that’s emerging here because Foucault has become the kind of house philosopher of social engineering now at the state stage of the game. Anyone who is different has privilege. And if you are mentally ill you have special privileges, you are a visionary as I said before and everyone is supposed to listen to you because you’re marginalized in a number of different ways here, because you’re mentally ill, because you’re a girl, because you’re female, because of… all of these things taken together.

Henrick: Yeah, minority status. What have you, anything that works to push the majority culture to the side, they always use these kind of whether it’s a group or an individual or whatever it is, it’s always used as a sledgehammer against established traditional culture. It’s not that they just can be there and do their thing, it’s always predicated on the fact that whatever is established needs to be destroyed and broken down, right?

Dr. Jones: Yes, yes, this was Foucault’s implementation of Nietzsche, he loved Nietzsche and Nietzsche’s program was the transvaluation of all values, the “umwertung aller werte”, and that’s what we are seeing in our days, and now you see climate change can be integrated into that assaulted in cultures throughout the world, throughout the world. That’s what we are seeing here.

Henrick: Interesting. One thing I do want to talk about is here in this portion, we’re doing in this segment with you Michael, it’s the connections as well and again, we can kind of re-establish that the fact it’s not, her rise to fame was not organic, you exposed that in the article that you wrote as well, we know about the early meeting between of course Ingmar Rentzhog, the mother (Malena Ernman), they were in a stage together, this guy who’s from a marketing background really, he just happened to walk on the same path where Greta Thunberg was sitting the first day that she was doing her hunger strike for the climate, August 20th or whatever it was, 2018 I think it was, and he’s happy to walk by, he has his cell phone ready, takes a snapchat, puts it on his profile pages and again he’s behind, I forgot to mention, he’s behind a group called “we don’t have time”. All of these groups by the way are, I don’t know if you got to the part in the video what I did, where I talked about how they’re all time obsessed, every single organization that’s popping up a relation to climate change has this urgency issue, it says NOW, don’t think we can’t be rational about this, we have to act now, there’s no more time we’re running out, hand over power, hand over your money, hand over everything else otherwise you will die. This pressure campaign, it’s advertisement based, these are subversive techniques used by marketing people.

Dr. Jones: Right, yeah. I think the time thing is a function of atheism. There’s time is running out, they have I think that atheism bleeds to a sense of doom, and I think this is a manifestation of it, so time is running out and so this means mandates desperate measures, the problem is that desperate measures are starting to backfire. I don’t know whether you saw the videos of the extinction rebellion demonstration in London.

Henrick: I did, yeah we talked about it.

Dr. Jones: Anyway, there’s one of them is a… these guys climb on top of the subway, the underground, we’ve done different words here, ok this is mass transportation which is a good idea! right? in terms of climate, in terms of ecology, that’s a good idea, these trains run on electricity, that’s a good idea, this is all better than individual combustion engines, clogging the streets and everything else, so what’s the protest about? what are you protesting? are you saying the people should not be able to move from one part of London to another?

Henrick: Shut down civilization, that’s all this is about.

Dr. Jones: So they climb on top of the train and what they do is provoke a reaction, so there’s a mob down there, these people need to get home, they’ve been working all day and there’s some lunatic on the top of the train, so they put up a ladder and they dragged the guy down and they beat him up. This is a sign here I think that it’s starting to backfire.

Henrick: You see these images here to, it’s death, they have coffins and hourglasses as their symbol, their logo, time is running out, there’s a Saturn connection even in that, with the hourglasses Cronus, the time measurements, etc. It’s all very symbolic, you know.

Dr. Jones: Yes it is. And I think it is an atheistic religion, a doom religion, a death cult, that’s what we’re seeing here, that’s what this has led to, and a certain point you have to have, you have to look for psychological explanations here, I think that’s what I had to do with Greta, and thankfully her mother provided the background and the data that allows she to come up with these psychological explanations.

Henrick: Yeah, explaining why she is the way she is and then, she was somehow…. I mean I kind of exposed that in the video too, it wasn’t that she was selected for that very specific reason but it turned out very good for them, that this is what she had, these things, it was a contest, I don’t know if you recall that, there was a contest it was made, these were winners from a open ad in one of the bigger Swedish newspapers regarding to climate I believe. There’s a number of kids that were writing contributions for that. Greta I believe got second place for that, and one of these guys, I think he was Bo Thorén, yeah that’s right. He major player in the climate field in Sweden and stuff like that, he’s trying to make one of our bigger, we call them LanceCup, which is kind like a state in America, but one of them needs to go gas free, the whole state, those states need to go gas free you can not take, anyway, he reached out all these winners of this open up prizes in the newspapers and Greta was the only one who actually replied. And he had monitored the school shooting that took place in Florida with all these kids, like David Hogg and the way that they were marketed, kind of in a similar way to try to disarm America, he’d been watching that and one of the mimic something similar in Sweden related to climate, you know, it’s very interesting the parallels there.

Dr. Jones: It’s very clever, and the guy who discovered her also apparently went to one of Al Gore’s schools.

Henrick: Yes, he was educated by Al Gore.

Dr. Jones: Yeah Al Gore, so there is that connection and it also opens up a whole new way of basically intimidating people by saying that the world is coming to an end so it’s like a millennialist cult or something like that and that you have to do what we say or else or else what? we’re all going to die!

Henrick: That’s right, yeah. You better hand over your power, your money, everything, let us be in charge is the global elite.

Dr. Jones: Again we see proxy warrior for the oligarchs, this time it’s little girls, it reminded me of the child soldiers in Africa a little bit, you know.

Henrick: yeah I mean, it’s equally sinister, it’s equally despicable to see that we have, there’s people that push kids in front of them, to say you take the hits, you take the blame and then look at the, I mean, Greta has been vehemently wouldn’t be attack but criticized and there’s a lot of heat around her too because she is kind of a representative for this message and not everyone does agree by the way, there’s a lot of dissenting views thankfully, the whole clime ordeal in the backal. Al Gore 10 years ago rising sea levels, we’re all going to day, he had to gone underground after that, the “climate gate” remember that? 2010 CRU (Climatic Research Unit).

Dr. Jones: That’s right, it’s a really important chapter in this whole story, the University of East Anglia, the emails became public in 2009 about them fudging the data, we’re going to have to correct the data to suit the conclusion we want to come to. This destroyed, this obliterated the credibility of what they were doing, and it just got dropped, it all went down the memory hole. One sign that it didn’t was the Prince Charles shortly thereafter gave a really impassioned speech looking us in the eyes and saying “well let’s not quibble about details, right? we all know it’s true”, well no, we don’t all know it is.

Henrick: And 1.5 degrees Michael, that is a detail in the scheme of things, if you look back in the record of ups and downs in the climate and these cyclical we can look at the solar cycles about 11 years, that’s one factor depending on activity of the sun that contributes radically, it contributes to different temperatures and cycles on the earth, but you have it in the articles right here says it was the IPCC’s (Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change) predictions about carbon dioxide which played a crucial role in converting ghettos mother to the climate change cause and the IPCC they based the majority of where they’ve got their data from was from CRU (Climatic Research Unit) at East Anglia University, if they fuck them numbers, if they put these boxes where they measure the temperature at parking lots next to man-made buildings where you have artificial increase of temperature because of the accumulation and stuff like that, all of this was exposed back to 2010, all of it.

Dr. Jones: Yeah, and then we’re all down the memory hole/hall, and now it’s come back. So, the good news is that her arrival got us to look back and find out what was really going on, so you know, that’s good, that’s good! Now we can do that, because I think we all know the situation better thanks to Greta Thunberg, and we know her problems, her situation better thanks to her mother’s memoir, so it was good that it happened, but only if you take the time to look into it, and that’s the whole point here. They hit you with this thing and all right we’re on something else now, let’s forget about that before you have time to do any research into this thing, you know?

Henrick: We don’t have time!

Dr. Jones: We don’t have time! the world is coming to an end! so don’t write that article!

Henrick: Exactly, be busy!

Henrick: Let me play that portion, it's not on YouTube, but it could be good to squeeze that in this interview, just to show those, there's a social democratic faction in Sweden which is the establishment, right? yes there's some conservative forces would have the moderate party and stuff, but that's been the major power in Sweden, they have one foot in the energy sector another in the social democratic or evens socialist International that's why she's at the UN that the current head Antonio Guterres as a former head of socialist International, it's all kind meshed in each other, but we can play that just to demonstrate that the people in case they haven't seen that. I think it's just a couple of minutes long so, check this out here Michael

Portion of the video played by Henrick:

Other people orbiting Greta seeking to benefits politically and financially from her now world-famous campaign for climate justice. Now so hang on for this one here: Rentzhog and his CEO David Wilson have backgrounds in finance non-environmental activism. Rentzhog is the founder of LAIKA, an investment relations company, and Wilson with Svenska Bostads Fonden one of the Sweden’s biggest real estate funds whose board, Rentzhog, joined in June 2017. “We don't have” investors include Gustav Steinbeck whose family controls Kinnevik, one of the Sweden’s largest investment corporations. In May 2018 Rentzhog and Wilson of “we don't have time” became chairman and a board member of a think tank called Global Utmaning. Its founder Kristina Persson, she’s a career trade unionist and a social democrat politician going back all the way to the golden age of the Olof Palme of the Social Democratic party. She’s also an ex Deputy Governor of Sweden's Central Bank, and a New Ager, who has discussed her reincarnations and communications with the dead. Between 2014 and 2016 Persson served as Minister for the Future in the social democratic government of Prime Minister Stefan Lõfven. Petter Skogar, president of Sweden’s biggest employers association, is on global challenges 10-person board, so is Johan Lindholm, chairman of the Union of Construction Workers and member of the Social Democrats executive board, so is Anders Wijkman the vice president of the Club of Rome, chair of the environmental objectives council and he was also invited in February 2018 to (SWEDISH NAME[2]) event that sought to organize youth mobilization that we discussed earlier. Now the anti-growth Club of Rome that Wijkman is vice president of is famous for its alarmist 1972 report a limit to growth and that became the cornerstone of the climate emergency campaign, that now it's beginning to pick up tremendous amount of speed. In December 2018 “we don't have time” and Global Challenge launched the Club of Rome’s latest vision of the apocalypse called “The Climate Emergency Plan”. Catharina Nystedt Ringborg another board member of global challenge is the former CEO of Swedish of Water, advisor at IEA, the International Energy Agency and former vice president at Swedish/Swiss energy giant ABB. Catharina Ringborg is also a member of Green Energy venture capital firm Sustainable Energy Angels, its members are a “who's who” of the Swedish energy sector, Sustainable Energy Angels president and share of the investment committee are ex ABB personnel and so are 4 of its 17 members, it’s an incestuous circus of energy sector social democrats that are seeking to transform the political climate and it plays themselves in a leading position as they hope the world begins to restructure its energy needs.

Henrick: All right, that’s it, interesting eh? it’s all, it’s very incestuous, that’s the point.

Dr. Jones: It’s a Swedish conspiracy, the Swedes are going to take all the world!!

Henrick: haha that’s funny!! just like the Amish eh? they’re going at it!

Dr. Jones: Thanks for that, it’s a very good job

Henrick: Here’s a little plug by the way, a promotional video for “we don’t have time” which is just hysterical and it’s the animations that they use for this and stuff like that and again, I think that this is working because of a lack…. we’ve turned back on a spiritual belief. Now of course, you and me differ, we have different beliefs regarding that but I think we can agree on the fact that there’s something missing which is attracting people and I think that these marketing forces they know this and that how they can play on that, and that’s why a lot of people, and not the majority but a los of people are attracted to these kind of ideas because it’s filling a hole that people have in their lives and needs for spirituality. What’s your take on that?

Dr. Jones: Yeah, it’s a functional atheism, if there’s no God, who is in charge? who is in charge? and then the answer is well, the rich and powerful, they’re in charge, and they’re going to to tell you what to think, and they’re going to scare you because you know that if no one's in charge, we’re all in trouble. I think it’s all a function of that, I think people sincerely believe that they become deranged because of out of fear, they’re so full of fear because of there’s nobody out there, there’s nothing out there, it’s just us, all alone in the universe, and blah blah blah and they become obsessed with these fears and these movements in some sense come their fears. You’ve got to do something, so at least you have something to do, you know what to do when you get up in the morning, and what to worry about and so on and so forth.

Henrick: Yeah, this is in the hands of humans, right? if there’s is no one here in charge…

Dr. Jones: It’s happens by process of elimination, if there’s no God and everything is in human hands and if that’s the case well it has to be Co2, we are the ones who have to be the cause, it can’t be some type of other plan, it can’t be like cycles, it can’t be part of God’s plan, divine providence, whatever you want to call it, because we don’t believe in those things anymore, so we must be the cause and so therefore it has to be Co2, and so you have to listen to us because we have to do something about carbon dioxide, that’s the logic I think, that’s work here.

Henrick: What about the deindustrialization that the advancements that we have made, that it has made and again, I am obviously, I am not for irresponsibly not taking care of being custodians of the Earth or whatever you want to call it, we do have to take responsibility we have invented a lot of things which are massively damaging, but I think there's a denial of the real environmental dangers they don’t talk about that, the plastics, they don't even direct too much criticism against the nation's that are actually polluting the most right now, the west has actually already done a lot to mitigate and to try to improve things and stuff like that, but I see this is a plan to deindustrialize taking away the advancement and the ingenuity that we’ve come up with which had made life considerably easier and better, I mean there’s is more people now on the planet that ever, and that wouldn’t have been…. I’m not saying this is good or bad, I think it’s too many people but whatever, it’s like we wouldn’t have been able to do that if it wasn’t for industrialization and going through certain things with agriculture and stuff like that, it looks they are trying to take that away, and get us back in some kind of feudal system or something like that. What do you take on that?


Dr. Jones: Yeah, I spent time in East Africa last year in February, and the problem in East Africa is there are too few people in relation to the space that they're having, in Tanzania it's obvious when you fly over Tanzania it's completely empty and it's getting emptier because there's no development there and development here is simple things like water pumps, I did a book it’s called “The broken pumps in Tanzania” which talk about this whole infrastructure problem and development in this regard, and the role the socialism played in Tanzania, and in basically stalling development. Julius Nyerere was the idol of the socialist movement and he could always count on Olaf Palma for giving him money, and the money would come back to Tanzania and it would never get out of Dar es-Salam because you had this corrupt nomenclature that kept all the money, so what you're saying here is that the problem is development and then what you're saying beyond that is the problem is people and then once you bring it right back there and in the old population control thing, which I think is the basis of all of these climate movement, it all comes back to overpopulation, the talk that there are too many people we have to reduce the population and so on and so forth, rather than any type of development. Development is simply not taking place in East Africa. It’s been prevented. I wrote another article about this, but I mean the main thing that’s inhibiting economic development in Kenya is used clothing, they import used clothing, and as a result nobody plants cotton and nobody cuts wool, nobody grows sheep and uses the wool and weaves cloth. Cloth is the basis for every economy which ever developed in the world. It was the basis for the Florence moving into a money economy, it was the basis for economic development in Germany in the 16th century, England in the 18th century, America in the 19th century and China and Japan in the 20th century. You can't get development without producing basic things like cloth, cloth is the main engine driving development here. So what happened here? the politicians in East Africa woke up to the fact they banned the importation of used clothing. Good! that's a good idea, that's a good use of tariffs, that's exactly what the United States and Germany did in the 19th century to keep out cheap English cotton. What happened then? the Jewish rag pickers in New Jersey complained to the treasury Department and Mr. Manoukian, and then he threatened them with sanctions, economic sanctions and all the East African countries except Rwanda backed down and removed their tariffs. This is the type of thing going on behind the scenes, this is the way the American Empire wields its economic power over people and this is the way it basically cripples development. We have the entire East, economies of East Africa: Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, those places being held hostage by Jewish ragpickers from New Jersey, because they have the political count to impose sanctions. This is the situation. The climate change distracts everyone from this type of reality. That I think is the purpose of this theatrical performance of Greta arriving by yacht in New York and testifying for the United Nations.

Henrick: Yeah, she was scolding the elites in the audience at the UN door, or for that matter at the IMF meetings or the World Bank at Davos, Switzerland meetings and stuff like that, meantime of course they’re standing up and applauding because they're using her there, they want to levy this message against it, it’s also a message of guilt obviously, that’s saying “if you don't do anything about this you’re neglecting the future of children”, it's up to the adults now to do what the children want us to do, there's a Swedish psychologist who wrote the book “When the kids take over” or something like that, it was about how the adults in Sweden had essentially let go and now it’s a nation run by the kids.

Dr. Jones: Well I think that what happened with Greta and her mother. This was a world out of control, Greta took control of the family. She did it by refusing to eat. She brought this kind of, it’s was order, it was unfortunately it was a neurotic and kind of tyrannical order, but she imposed her own order on the family, that’s how she did it. So I think what you see here is guilt in the older generation, guilt over their sexual practices, guilt over all sort of things, abortion, contraception, everything guilt toward putting children in daycare centers, handing them over to the state school, the sex side thing all that type of stuff is in the background of these famous women who are just running around the world and suddenly it clicks in and she can access this guilt and uses it as a form of control. That’s what happened in the family.

Henrick: Indeed. We’re going to wrap up here a little bit, we’re going to go in for about 50 minutes of course people can read more about this in the latest issue of Culture Wars magazine, what don’t you tell us a bit more about that? Your websites, your Twitter; where do you want people to follow you? You’re a big shot now, I guess, on YouTube these days.

Dr. Jones: I’m sorry to hear that you got de-platformed. I wrote a note to the people saying that they should either explain to you why this happened to you or they should put you back on, but this is like the worst of both worlds. And what I realized, we came close not too long ago, and we realized basically this is the main point of purpose of psychological warfare is to prevent communication between subject peoples. That is why YouTube is being manipulated as a form of psychological warfare. So, the antidote of that is establishing secure channels of communication which you can do by going on to All the books you are showing them up on the screen, all these books, the magazines, the podcast, all of these things are available, and you will get if you buy something from us you will get on our list, and we will be able to communicate to you for example when the Logos book was going to be available and other things like that. So, we will establish communication on our terms; rather than all your data going to Google and then using it for data mining and stuff like that. So, I think it’s important we keep these networks alive and try to move them to where they benefit us, and not just the people who have the platforms.

Henrick: That’s absolutely right. People check out you have all the links on  YouTube too. Of course, the bookstore which is Many titles there for you to check out as well, we talked about some of them over the last few years. We’ve had Michael as a guest on and off here and there, we’ve talked about a lot of good books that he has: “The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit”, excellent book, “Libido Dominandi”, I think that was one of the first ones we discussed together. Excellent work! Check them out, they’re right there on the website. Anything else to plug, I guess you can follow E Michael Jones on Twitter as well, it is @EMichaelJones1

Dr. Jones: Yes, Twitter, we’re tweeting on a regular basis.

Henrick: Right, getting up some good videos as well, your guys are doing a very good job on that, shorter videos it’s good to get the message out in a good way and then of course people can check out the big shoot if they want to have some of the longer I guess interviews and things like that you do as well. Is that correct?

Dr. Jones: That’s right. That’s right. So, we’re trying to cope with the situation as it exists.

Henrick: Great having you back, thank you again, we’d like have you back sooner rather than later but thank you for joining us today, really appreciate it, keep up the good work and focus out there, support E Michael Jones and his work, get some of the books and the magazine as well.

Dr. Jones: Thanks Henrik.