E. Michael Jones: War on Representative Government

E. Michael Jones talks with Peter Helland on the local public access station show, Citizens for Community Media, in South Bend, IN. Mike sees representative government as the biggest issue at stake with all that is happening now in the world. He talks about the Catholic bishop's synod on synodality that is happening in Germany. They are contemplating accepting same sex marriage as valid along with other such heretical ideas. Mike mentions the priest in Poland currently on trial in Germany for saying there is a homosexual mafia running the church in Germany. Mike closes with remarks on the truckers in Canada and Justin Trudeau.

Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7OSuLATdx4&t=23s


Dr. E. Michael Jones is a prolific Catholic writer, lecturer, journalist, and Editor of Culture Wars Magazine who seeks to defend traditional Catholic teachings and values from those seeking to undermine them.

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