The Full Truth Behind Jordan Peterson's Speech on Logos

Ben SHapiro (Short) Jordan Peterson (Tall)

– “I can’t do it.”

Jordan Peterson responding to someone who asked if he had read Solzhenitsyn’s history of the Jews in Russia, Two Hundred Years Together.


Many of you have seen the picture of Jordan Peterson shaking hands with Binyamin Netanyahu over dinner in Jerusalem with Ben Shapiro beaming in the background. Many of you know that E. Michael Jones has extensive contacts in the intelligence community in the United States. What many of you might not know is that he also has contacts in both the Mossad and Shin Beth, whose agents have turned against Netanyahu after he turned fellow Israelis into Pfizer lab rats.

My name is “Moishe,” and I am a disgruntled Shin Beth agent who converted to Catholicism after reading E. Michael Jones’s magnum opus The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit. Rather than make my conversion public, I decided to become a mole who could provide the public with transcripts of important conversations like the one which took place between Shapiro, Peterson and Netanyahu in late 2022. I am here to testify to the truth of this transcript, which we now reproduce for the first time in full below. To those who doubt its authenticity, all I can say is that it is every bit as true as holocaust narratives like Elie Wiesel’s memoir Night or Mischa de Fonesca’s incredible story of traveling 900 miles across Europe in a pack of wolves to rescue her parents from Auschwitz. For those who doubt, no explanation is possible. For those who believe, no explanation is necessary.


The transcript begins here:


Ben: Bibi, I’d like to introduce you to my good friend Jordan Peterson. He’s the worlds smartest goy.

Bibi: Oy, what’s that? The world’s tallest midget?

Ben: Ha Ha. Always the comedian. No offense, Jordan. You should hear what he had to say about Donald Trump.

Jordan: What’s the Canadian word for goy?

Ben: Another comedian. Ha Ha. Anyway, Bibi, I just hired Jordan to work for the Daily Wire because we’ve got a serious problem that only the world’s smartest goy can solve. It’s called Logos.

Bibi: What do you mean?

Ben: Logos is the Latin word for reason, speech, whatever.

Jordan: Actually, it’s a Greek word.

Ben: Whatever. It’s become a problem which can no longer be ignored, ever since this shmuck E. Michael Jones confronted me at a right to life banquet and announced that abortion is a fundamental Jewish value.

Bibi: What’s wrong with saying that? It’s true.

Jordan: What’s the Canadian word for shmuck?

Ben: (to Peterson)I don’t know. I don’t speak Canadian. (Then turning to Netanyahu) Of course, it’s true but it’s not something a Jew wants to say at a prolife banquet in South Bend, Indiana. Shanda fa da goyim. And don’t ask me to translate that into Canadian, Jordan. Anyway, he wrote this book called Logos Rising, which is incredibly anti-Semitic, and in it he says that Jews rejected Logos when they killed Christ.

Bibi: No, actually, he said that in The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit.

Ben: How do you know that?

Bibi: I read the book. It’s a great book. I recommend it. Every Yid should read The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit.

Ben: (holding his ears) I can’t believe you just said that, especially in front of our new friend Jordan. Shanda fa da goyim. [you’re giving scandal]

Bibi: Yes, Jones and I grew up together in Philadelphia. We’re the same age. He attended LaSalle High School in the 1960s while I was at Cheltenham High School about two miles away.

Ben: You knew him then?

Bibi: Of course not. He was a nobody then. He’s still a nobody. He’s a ... 

Jordan: ... Shmuck?

Ben: Ha, Ha. Didn’t I tell you he was smart, Bibi.

Bibi: I was more interested in Cardinal Dougherty High School. It was a lot closer. It was the biggest Catholic high school in the world at the time. It had 5,000 students in its heyday, and it was co-ed, which meant 2,500 shiksas, all wearing those sexy maroon Catholic school uniforms.”

(Bibi drifts off into a reverie.)

Ben: So, as I was saying, this shmuck Jones. . .

Bibi: Have you ever shtupped a shiksa, Ben?

Ben: Bibi, stop! Pay attention. Shanda fa da goyim. This shmuck Jones has written a book called Logos Rising, and it’s causing us a lot of problems.

Bibi: Logos Shmogos. I used to watch these shiksas shaking their tits on Bandstand. They drove every Jew boy at Cheltenham wild with desire, but we could never get to first base with them, and do you know why?

Ben: (hesitating, but interested) No, why?

Bibi: Because none of the Yids at Cheltenham high school knew how to dance. Dancing on Bandstand was a dago thing. You had to be from South Philadelphia to get on the show.

Jordan: What’s the Canadian word for dago?

Ben: (turning to Peterson) It’s wop. But that’s not important. (turning back to Netanyahu) The important word is Logos. It’s a Latin word which means reason, and Jones wrote a book about it called Logos Rising which is unbelievably anti-Semitic, and we’ve ...

Bibi: (ignoring Shapiro and continuing) So, you know what I did? I sat in front of that TV and watched Bandstand every day until I learned how to dance. It took forever, but it was worth it. First, I learned how to do the Bristol Stomp.

(At this point Bibi jumps up and starts singing, “Kids in Bristol are sharp as a pistol when they do the Bristol stomp,” thumping on the floor until the wine glasses on the table start rattling. Ben grabs one glass; Jordan grabs another. Bibi finally collapses into his chair, trying to catch his breath, wiping the sweat from his forehead.)

Bibi: Then I learned how to do the Boogaloo,”

(Bibi jumps up again.)

Ben: Stop!

Bibi: And then I finally made it onto Bandstand and there was the shiksa of my dreams standing in front of me, and so I started to do the Twist, and do you know what happened?

Ben: (curious in spite of himself) No, what?

Bibi: She laughed at me because nobody did the Twist anymore.

Ben: That’s too bad.

Bibi: So, I gave up on shtupping shiksas and decided to screw the goyim instead.

Ben: Now we’re talking. This is where Jordan comes in. I got him this gig with Ralston College.

Bibi: What’s that?

Ben: Some goy operation no one ever heard of, but, hey, they like the color of Jew money, so Jordan’s now chancellor there. Not only that, we’re going to fly him to Ephesus, put him in front of the library of Celsis and let him give a heavy duty speech on our definition of Logos, which is . . . Tell him, Jordan.

Jordan: The idea of Logos was that the divine element of the human was courageous exploratory communicator. That’s the Logos idea.1

Bibi: What the fuck does that mean?

Ben: Bibi! (turning to Peterson) Explain what you just said Jordan.

Jordan: One element of the idea of the logos is that there is an element to the world that’s superordinate to the apparent order that’s more fundamentally real and that you can discover that order in contact with the world. And that’s the microcosmic world in some sense rather than the psychological world.2

Bibi: I still don’t get it.

Ben: Tell Bibi about Elvis Presley’s guitar, Jordan.

Jordan: It is not something that is made up of guitar atoms and guitar molecules.3

Bibi: I thought you said this goy was smart.

Ben: He is. He’s the world’s smartest goy.

Bibi: He doesn’t know shit from shinola. He doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the wall. I shtupped shiksas from Cardinal Dougherty who sounded like Socrates compared to the crap that comes out of this goy’s mouth.

Ben: It doesn’t matter. It’s better than “clean up your room.”

Bibi: Ben, I know you’re the world’s second smartest Jew . . .

Ben: Second smartest?

Bibi: Yes, behind Yuval Noah Harari.

Ben: That faggot? You’re comparing me to that faggot Harari?!

Bibi: Calm down. I’m trying to talk some sense into your head, Yiddel. If you put this putz Peterson in front of a camera and ask him to talk about Logos, you are going to destroy his reputation as the world’s smartest goy, and then what good is he to you? As soon as he opens his mouth, it’s going to be clear that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about and that he never got beyond telling incels to clean up their rooms.

Jordan: (overhearing their conversation) Clean up your room!

Bibi: (turning to Shapiro) What did I tell you? Jordan Peterson is a dumb shmuck who is going to end up being an embarrassment to the Jews who are promoting him, and that includes you and the Daily Wire, Yiddel.

Ben: Look, Bibi. I’ve been listening to Jordan more closely now that he’s writing for us, and nothing he says makes a lot of sense. But that doesn’t matter. In fact, that may be the point that you’re missing. Ever since we hired him at the Daily Wire, he’s been on board with the anti-Semitism thing. He just compared anyone who criticized Israel to rats coming out of a sewer.

Bibi: That’s precisely my point, Ben. He’s coming across as just another goy who is willing to lick Jewish boots to promote his career as a failing psychologist. Nothing he says makes any sense. Any shiksa from Cardinal Dougherty high school could see through him in a New York minute.

Ben: But that’s precisely my point, Bibi. You’ve got a whole generation of twenty- and thirty-year-olds who have spent their adult lives jerking off while watching porn in their mother’s basement. He’s had a lock on that audience ever since he told them to clean up their rooms. And now that those losers are starting to hear about Logos and starting to understand that there may be something important out there that they need to know, we need Jordan to take control of what he’s now calling the Logos narrative, in the same way that I took control of the prolife narrative until 140 Jewish organizations announced that abortion was a fundamental Jewish value, and those shmucks ruined my prolife gig.

Bibi: That goy can’t take control of anything. By the way, have you ever seen Jordan Peterson’s room?

Ben: (taken aback by the question) Actually, no, I haven’t.

Bibi: It’s a total schlamassel, full of clutter, just like his mind. Take it from me. I have sources. Do you want the Mossad photos? No, of course, not. That’s what I need to keep him in line. If this goy ever goes Kanye on us, we release the Mossad photos of his room, full of moldy oranges, empty cereal boxes, crumpled beer cans, and dog-eared copies of the collected works of C. G. Jung. Believe me, Yiddel, his room is a total mess, just like his mind.

Ben: Now it’s you who are missing the point….


[…] This is just an excerpt from the February 2023 Issue of Culture Wars magazine. To read the full article, please purchase a digital download of the magazine, or become a subscriber!

1  Jordan B Peterson, “The Logos at Ephesus,” Youtube, Dec. 25, 2022,



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