Requiem for a Figurehead

Apparently the Critical Race theoreticians never learned that we are not to speak ill of the dead. This became apparent when the announcement of the death of Queen Elizabeth II of England spread through the ether on September 8, 2022. Uju Anya, an “anti-racist” associate professor at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, sparked outrage after calling the ailing queen the head of a “thieving, raping, genocidal empire” and concluded her diatribe by hoping that whatever pain she experienced while dying was “excruciating.”

In doing this Professor Anya played right into the hands of Tucker Carlson, who reacted to this execrable vituperation by resurrecting Whig History and giving a stirring defense of the British Empire, which he claimed was “the most benign empire the world had ever seen” to counter the race crowd’s claim that it was genocidal. “The British Empire was not perfect,” Carlson admitted, “but it was far more humane than any other ever. It was an impressive place run by impressive people. We will see many empires going forward, but we will never see one so benign.1 Ever the Whig historian, Carlson went on to claim that “the British Empire spread Protestant Christianity to the entire world,” unaware that the Raj deliberately suppressed the promotion of Christianity in India because it threated the servile attitude imposed by the caste system. For another example of how the British spread the Gospel, I recommend the chapters on the ethnic cleansing of the French/Catholic Micmacs in Nova Scotia in Barren Metal: A History of Capitalism as the Conflict between Labor and Usury. When the Catholic Micmacs objected, the Presbyterian ministers who were sent to “spread Protestant Christianity” paid bounties for their scalps as their way of spreading the gospel. But I don’t want to dwell on atrocities in the wake of the queen’s death. De mortuus nil nisi bonum. If you’re interested in horror stories, I recommend #Irishtwitter or #Blacktwitter or #Inidantwitter. But more on that later.

Henry Makow responded by calling Carlson a “blue blood” who had “more in common with Anderson Cooper” because both men are involved in policing the oligarchic narrative. Makow identifies Carlson with the “false opposition” whose job is to “steer the narrative away from the central banking cartel and its Communist Jewish agenda: satanism and racism. Virtually the whole US ‘right’ falls into this category, including Trump and de Santis.” Makow claims that Carlson is a CIA agent, but as Laplace said to Napoleon when asked how God fit into his cosmic system, “We have no need of that hypothesis.” By the end of the day, the discussion had settled into the familiar left vs right dialectic, which at this moment in history boils down to a choice between Uju Anya’s version of Critical Race Theory and Tucker Carlson’s resurrection of Whig History. If you choose either side as presented, you are comfortably inside the racial narrative which is the American regime’s favorite form of political control. And why is that? Because it ensures conflict—divide et impera—and it distracts us from the real armature of human history, which is always religious and ethnic.

The best way to see behind the pomp and circumstance surrounding the mainstream media narrative, or what Mark Twain would call the “funeral orgies,” and the official anti-narrative consisting of disgusting vilification of the dead is to start with Elizabeth’s namesake, Elizabeth I. The England Elizabeth II represented began with the looting operation known as the Reformation. Elizabeth I threw her lot in with the thugs who had stolen the property of the Catholic Church and were determined to hold on to it no matter what. When Queen Mary, Henry’s daughter and the rightful heir to the throne, married Philip II of Spain in the immediate wake of the first wave of looting, the Pope told Philip that he had to restore the stolen property to the Church. Maximillian, Philip’s hapless father, however, told him to avoid any direct confrontation because the arrival of an heir would solve the problem automatically. That hoped for heir never arrived, and the looters who were emboldened to enjoy their ill-gotten gains became determined to pass them on to their heirs in perpetuity, which has happened for the most part, but there was one problem. Property was not money. Labor can turn property into money, but the looters who had gotten rich from theft were cash poor and were too lazy to engage in hard work. The solution was to go to the usurers and mortgage their property for cash, which they spent until they went broke. Unable to keep up with compound interest, they lost their estates to the “Lombards,” who replaced the Jewish usurers after their expulsion in 1290. Usury followed the Reformation as night follows day.

As Shakespeare makes clear in his play Timon of Athens, the main problem facing England a generation down the road from the Reformation was debt, and debt continued to be a problem for the next 500 years. Capitalism is state-sponsored usury, and so it should come as no surprise that Capitalism began in England in the aftermath of the Reformation and invariably ended up with unrepayable debt.

The Jews who had been superseded by the Lombards returned to England in 1660 at the time of the restoration under Charles II, not as most people believed, under Cromwell during the interregnum. When James II became king, he had the solid support of the landed aristocracy in spite of his Catholicism because his impeccable hereditary credentials removed the stigma of illegitimacy which had plagued the monarchy since the time of Elizabeth I. That good will disappeared when James produced a male heir, an event which threatened to create a Catholic dynasty. Catholics were a double threat to the Whig oligarchs because Catholics refused to accept the legitimacy of usurious contracts, thereby threatening the power of the City whose motto was pacta sunt servanda no matter what. The result was the Glorious Revolution of 1688, which installed a Dutch usurper on the throne simply because he was a Protestant. William’s usurpation resurrected the legitimacy crisis which had vanished when the Stuarts ascended the throne, and it led to a century of unrest as one Jacobite Rising followed the other. In 1745, Bonnie Prince Charlie, the Stuart scion, came within 60 miles of London at the head of a Claymore-wielding army of Scots, who were routed by the cannons George brought over from the continent. But England’s fate had been sealed by 1692 when the Whig oligarchs founded the Bank of England and turned that country into what William Cobbett referred to as a divided nation of taxpayers and tax-eaters. From that moment on, England became the slave of usury, unaware that all floating loans become unrepayable after 70 years. That happened in 1762. When Lord Townsend broke the bad news to Adam Smith, the great Scottish economist decided to make the American colonies pay off the debt through the Stamp Act, which led to the American Revolution, which led to the French Revolution, which led to Napoleon, who was defeated at Waterloo, but not before Nathan Rothschild made a killing by speculating on the consul, the ever reliable British bond which would have been worthless if Napoleon had won.

Queen Elizabeth II and Queen Elizabeth of England

Intoxicated by their victory over Napoleon, the English aristocracy, taking a lesson from their looting ancestors, embarked on a building spree which was financed by money borrowed from Jews like the Rothschilds, with predictable results. By the end of the 19th century, most of them had defaulted on their loans. They retained their titles in the Almanach de Gotha, which Oscar Wilde referred to as the greatest work of fiction in the English language, but their property reverted to the Jews who had lent them money.

One exception to this rule was Randolph Churchill, who saved his property for a time by marrying a rich American by the name of Jennie. Randolph eventually died of syphilis, 70,000 pounds in debt to Natty Rothschild, who forgave the debt, thereby ensnaring Randolph’s son Winston as a servant of Jewish interests. When the Jews wanted war with Germany, Winston collaborated with Lord Grey to bring that about. When the Germans signed an armistice, Winston responded by imposing a naval blockade and starving hundreds of thousands of Germans to death in an act which impressed a demobbed corporal by the name of Adolf Hitler, who vowed that this would never happen again. Churchill responded by creating a sequel known as World War II, during which he engaged in the systematic bombing of civilians, killing 300,000 in one night alone during the firebombing of Dresden…


[…] This is just an excerpt from the November 2022 Issue of Culture Wars magazine. To read the full article, please purchase a digital download of the magazine, or become a subscriber!

(Endnotes Available by Request)


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