The Escape Artist: The Man Who Broke Out of Auschwitz

The Escape Artist: The Man Who Broke Out of Auschwitz

And to be honest, this sort of approach, which is contained in the book, is very much in the insulting style of the testimony of Vrba himself. He is portrayed as the great hero putting the counsel for the defense, Douglas Christie, in his place. But no-one reading the transcript could ever come to such a conclusion. Vrba is obstructive and disrespectful from the very beginning of his testimony. True to his reputation, he regularly insulted Christie and the defendant. In fact, Christie at one point politely struck back by suggesting that Vrba must have used trick memory techniques to keep his lies straight. Vrba flashed back, “Should I bring you six million bodies here that are the proof?”

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#TransTerrorism and Notre Dame

#TransTerrorism and Notre Dame

During her monologue, Williams stated more than once that “abortion is birth” without being questioned, much less contradicted, by her equally sexually ambiguous interlocutor. Before long, it became clear that the connection between abortion and transgenderism existed in her mind alone, which is why she was so essential to this discussion. Crippled by guilt after killing two of her children, Williams became obsessed with exonerating herself by becoming an avid promoter of abortion. Then, as if to make the further commission of that sin impossible, Ms. Williams decided to become a man, as the moustache on her otherwise feminine face testifies.…

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"Putting on the Whole World" Jerry Lewis and America’s Descent into Jewish Comic Madness

"Putting on the Whole World" Jerry Lewis and America’s Descent into Jewish Comic Madness

Yet there is more here than meets the habitually adoring eye. Decades before the notion of “transgenderism” or same sex marriage emerged, Lewis’ unpredictable, crass, and effeminate character, dubbed “the Kid” or “the Idiot,” pushed the boundaries of acceptance by promoting a marked irreverence for established authority and mores; his unconventional schtick involved parodying curbed intellectual development, dressing in drag, and femininely catering on stage (or camera) to longtime comedy teammate Dean Martin…

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Biden's Minyan and the Holocaust Narrative

Biden's Minyan and the Holocaust Narrative

Wait, didn’t the Russians liberate Auschwitz? The only thing which explains why the Attorney General is in a country half-way around the world, where he is acting as a surrogate secretary of state, is Jewish solidarity and Jewish dedication to spreading their revolutionary spirit at the expense of the natives, who, in the case of the Ukraine, had their own bitter experiences with Jews like Lazar Kaganovich, who starved millions of Ukrainians to death during the 1930s…

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